You Make a Difference
There are many ways to support Pay-It-Forward House, whether a donation of money, time, or talent – all is appreciated. Many hands make lighter work, and our work is to lighten the burden on folks facing medical challenges in Sycamore.
How to Help
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There are two options:
Donate via PayPal (trusted, secure payment partner)
Donate via Thrivent Financial Advisors (learn more at their site)
Sometimes, a relative of a patient is doing everything and may not be considering taking a sanity break. A simple discussion can go a long way. Click the button below to tell us more about your availability.
We welcome all kinds of skills, from cleaning up our office to picking up snacks for our guests to developing websites! If you feel compelled to help, talk to us! Click the button below to start the ball rolling.
PayPal Payment Form
As a charitable 501(c)(3) organization, our fiscal sustainability continues to be solely reliant on the generosity of our community members, local businesses and health care community, as well as local churches, foundations and numerous service organizations.
As of January 2022, we have provided over 21,840 nights of rest for guests with a loved one dealing with a health crisis! We couldn’t have done this without your support!